Saturday, May 10, 2008

Why do we invest (emotionally)?

Invest (v)
- To spend or devote for future advantage or benefit
- To devote morally or psychologically, as to a purpose; commit
- To endow with authority or power.
- To endow with an enveloping or pervasive quality

As with financial investments, there is always a risk to spending or putting something of value into anything. We typically invest in something, decide to devote time and energy on something hoping that it would turn out good and productive in the end.

Why then do we choose to invest emotionally? Perhaps it's like other types of investments. When we see the possibility of something good coming out of something, we choose to take the gamble and put a little of our self into it. We put a stake on something when we start to build an affinity to it.

Why do we invest in romantic relationships? We enter romantic relationships to find out the possibility of being together until the far future. You don't go into it expecting it to fail or end, although we should admit that it is still always a possibility.

So, the investment is a little of ourselves, our emotions, and our commitment. The payback we are wishing for is a wonderful future. But let's admit it, we don't always get what we are wishing for. More than anything else, emotional investments are most uncertain.

The real question is, why do we even attempt to invest emotionally, even on things that has relatively no future? Why do we keep on loving people and hoping that these people who would perhaps not disappoint? Why do we give someone else that power over our happiness?

In the end, life turns out to be one big gamble, especially on the matter of love and romantic relationships. You will never have the chance to win unless you bet on something. Oftentimes you don't win, cause it's a million-to-one chance. But if you do win, it would really change your life. It's just up to you, are you brave enough to bet with your heart?

1 comment:

philos said...

It all boils down to your risk appetite then huh?