Thursday, August 21, 2008

Shopping for Love

It took me such a long time to find it. Somehow it was difficult to have a list of qualifications completely set in your mind before you even decide on committing to it.

Oh, and it was a bag I was shopping for.

One fine day, after such a long time of searching, I was able to find the perfect bag, which fit all the qualifications that I was looking for. It was spaceous but not too big, it had enough pockets inside, it was red leather and looked fab and glamorous, the style was right, and all that shebang. I simply fell in love with it. Didn't come cheap though, and it was a big leap for me to commit to purchasing that fabulous bag. But I did, and I shelled out enough to buy me lunch and snacks everyday for a whole month. I loved that bag, and every moment I spent with it.

I thought everything would be alright, that I would be spending quite some time with that bag until it's all worn out... But that wasn't the case. Just a short time after I bought it (a little more than a month maybe?), it got into a crazy little accident. A small bottle of alcohol I kept in my bag spilled (and this is a warning -- don't ever put a BAND-AID brand alcohol in your bag, the cover simply ain't good). This destroyed my wonderful red leather bag...

My time with that bag was so short lived. That has been two years ago, but up until now, I haven't found anything that would measure up to it yet. I've went back to the same store over and over but they simply didn't have anything close to it. I've bought another red leather bag after that, but it just isn't the same. Perhaps I am never to find anything like that ever again.

AND, my last love affair just sound so similar...


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