Friday, July 25, 2008

Those people who had nothing else to do

Imagine decades, or even centuries ago... That time when there were no radios, televisions, videos... no video games, computers, internet, mobile phones, no motorized vehicles. There was actually nothing much to do except do house chores, read books, or walk about.

But what about those people in the Northern hemispheres who had to sit through months of freezing weather every day? How else could they keep busy, especially those who had brains that were far to curious to just sit about and stare into nothingness?

Well, sometimes they do sit through nothingness and end up figuring out an explanation to a lot of things that have not been explained before their time. Gravity by Isaac Newton. The mathematical relationship of the sides of a right triangle by Pythagoras. Theory of Special Relativity by Albert Einstein. Just look through your higher mathematics books and your Science books now and you'll see so many names there, and equally, so many things to study and understand.

I remember a funny line from a high school teacher of mine, "blame all those scientists and mathematicians who had nothing else to do but discover theorems, and physical laws that we now have to suffer through to study".

So many centuries after human beings start speaking, communicating, and pondering explanations to every single thing in the world, now there is so many things to re-discover and to understand, as explained earlier by those geniuses who came before us. Yes truly, they are the geniuses of their time, savants even.

Now, there are so many other things to do, so many distractions, sometimes there is not much time to ponder those things anymore. But then again, there are a number of people who are still so passionate about discovering the undiscovered, or rediscovering things in different ways. And now, there are powerful mainframes and supercomputers to help with the quest for solutions and explanations.

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